The pain in the lower back — a common disease. The doctors divide into several types, but the majority of people suffer from so-called "non-specific pain in the lower part of the back." This means that the real cause of the pain constant not defined: this can be a tumor, and pinched nerve, and infection, and the syndrome of the tail of a horse.
The medicine virtually does not comply with the chronic non-specific pain in the back. The most popular methods of treatment of the pain — bed rest, surgery on the spine, opioid analgesics, steroids — in most cases help to reduce the pain only in the short term, and sometimes even are harmful to the health of the patients.
Traditionally in the medical community, it was believed that the pain in the back (like any other pain) is related to some type of serious injury or an anatomic problem. But recently it has become clear that in the pain of the processes of the influence of what happens in our mind.
A new understanding of the pain related to the concept of "central sensitization". The main idea lies in the fact that some individuals with persistence of pain, changes occur in the links between the body and the mind and increases sensitivity to pain — to the point that the things that do not normally cause pain, are perceived as very painful. It turns out that some patients with chronic pain in the low back may, in fact, suffer violations of the functions of the receptors painful.
In a growing number of studies, it is recommended to use in the treatment of back pain complex of exercises or alternative therapy.
Alternative methods of treatment of chronic pain in the back
Studies have confirmed that active therapy (exercises, yoga, tai-chi), in reality, helps people deal with pain in the back. Effective and alternative approaches (massage, chiropractic) — with the caveat that often are not the panacea, and its effect is of short duration and scanty.
In general, do not cause damage to the body.
The main recommendation for back pain — move more
If you have a back pain, the first reaction can be the abstinence from any type of physical activity, and the decision to plop down on the sofa, until the pain subsides.
Modern medicine against it. It is considered that in the majority of cases, is, probably, the worst thing you can do: physical activity can help to reduce the pain, whereas the omission seriously delay recovery of the patient.
Why help the exercises:
- strengthen the corset muscle that supports the spinal column;
- increase flexibility and range of motion in the lumbar region which improves the functionality of the movements of the person and returns it to the normal life;
- activate the flow of blood to the soft tissues of the back, which starts the process of recovery and reduces stiffness of the joints.
And this is only part of the reason for regular exercise before resorting to passive therapy, acupuncture, or massage.
Several curious facts:
- 20 minutes of aerobic exercise load on the bicycle with the 70% of the peak demand for oxygen consumption is reduced the perception of pain in patients of more than 30 minutes;
- improves flexibility of the lumbar spine and popliteal tendon may reduce pain in the lower back in 18-58%;
- complex designed to stabilize the spine, reduce the pain in the lower back in 39-76%, while the programmes of muscle strength, reduce back pain in 61%.
The authors of the study suggested that the combination of different types of strength training exercises, aerobic load, flexibility exercises may be helpful for patients, and each of them has its advantages.
These exercises do not always help in situations of short-term episodes of acute pain. But if you suffer from chronic back pain, it is likely you want to find the way to deal with the discomfort and lead an active lifestyle.
Then we will see some more specific exercises most popular (and well-studied in the field of the fight against pain in the back.
There are many studies on the relationship between back pain and yoga. Having them, you can come to the conclusion that yoga not only helps to reduce the pain, but also improves the motor function of the muscles.
The study, which systematically is to investigate the role of yoga in the treatment of chronic pain in the low back, says on the small or medium-sized" improving the state of the back after the regular classes over 3-6 months. In brief, yoga is not a panacea, but the research of them speak of their undisputed utility.
Tai-chi and pilates
In terms of tai-chi and pilates, in the recently published review of surgical techniques for treatment of lower back pain include these two systems of exercises.
Tai-chi — a chinese martial art, one of the types of wushu, popular as gymnastics. His feature — the smooth step with soft, continuous movements.
The studies determine the tai chi as a methodology that helps to reduce the chronic pain in the back and helps people to renew an active lifestyle. Tai chi is recognized as the most effective in the relief of pain, hikes and walks, however, it loses in comparison with the swimming.
Pilates is a complex of exercises for development of flexibility of all the muscles of the body. The system combines yoga, ballet and isometric exercise.
The results of the research, pilates leads to small effects in the treatment of back pain and absolutely inefficient in the recovery of motor function.

Exercises for the back
Three exercises that the professor of biomechanics of the spine, stuart Mcgill recommends to patients for the stabilization of the spine:
- torque
- "hunter dog"
- the bridge on the side of the
The experts agree that it is necessary to find a specialist who is able to develop an individual program of exercises, aimed at overcoming your problem.
The specialist studies, as walking, sitting and standing, makes conclusions on the state of your muscles, tendons and ligaments, from the observation of your posture and step.
Then, it is a program of functional training, which include the complexes of exercises, "which do not depend on the pain" (continue and comply with them, even with the first symptoms of pain), and "quantitative" (that can't be stopped, it is necessary to fine-tune until the end) and "regular" (it is necessary to perform more strict, not missing).
Chiropractic — one of the popular methods of the release of the spinal cord to the pain. Traditional chiropractors perform a variety of treatments of vacuum pressure and the configuration of the joints. The specialists manage problems of the part of the body in the direction of or beyond the limits of the amplitude of active movements. The procedure is often accompanied by specific clicks, and crackling.
Chiropractic rarely involve serious risks of complications are produce more than 10 million cases. In the treatment of pain of cervical departments of a backbone of the risks increase a little: 1.46 cases of stroke per million procedures for the correction of the cervical vertebrae.
Studies show that this approach helps people with chronic back pain — but no more non-prescription medications, or regular exercise.
It is important to consciously approach the selection of a chiropractor: avoid those who send x-rays or other diagnostic procedures for low back pain (normally it is useless in terms of elucidating their clinical picture), or those that recommend the courses to long-term treatment.
The work of the therapists massage is the manipulation of muscles and soft tissues of the back and the body. There are a large number of varieties of massage: Swedish, deep tissue massage, sports, relaxation, myofascial, thai. Types of massage can also vary in duration, intensity and frequency of the sessions, which complicates the determination of the effectiveness of this method of healing.
However, massage is virtually harmless, and the researchers dealing with a problem of back pain, they note that this approach makes sense in the elimination of pain.
According to the study, in the case of subacute (constant along 7 to 12 weeks) and chronic pain in the low back, massage has a beneficial effect on symptoms and motor function in the short term (approximately 1 week).
One of the most ancient methods of treatment of back pain — the acupuncture, the basis of traditional chinese medicine. In accordance with the philosophical justification of the acupuncture, the disease or pain are the result of an imbalance between the prisoners in the "body" of the forces of yin and yang".
The vital energy that circulates through the body through the so-called meridians, the yin and the yang-features. The use of needles to stimulate the parts of the body, located in these meridians, you can help reduce the pain, or the remission of the disease, the affirmation of the practice.
Information about relief for acute pain on more recent studies still a little, and here, in studies on the effectiveness of acupuncture in cases of chronic pain, there are contradictions. It is also pointed out that, until now, it is not clear in the methodology of acupuncture gives the result: by the acupuncture or the placebo effect.
Therefore, acupuncture causes many disputes. Science tells us that the method works, but the relativity of the results, along with the lack of a scientific basis in the philosophy of acupuncture, which leaves room for doubt. And skeptics see in the results of the relevant studies exclusively to the test of the placebo effect.
A holistic approach to treating back pain
Another focus of pain in the back, the so-called "biopsychosocial". According to this approach, pain is produced by the interactions of physical, psychological and social. When you do this, the physical pain is considered only a small part of the problem.
The treatment is directed to what happens in the head of the patient: the release of depression or anxiety, cognitive-behavioral therapy to improve the ability of overcoming the difficulties.
In the cases of treatment of chronic back pain multidisciplinary therapy shows better results in comparison with only physiological therapy. Patients who receive a complex therapy is more likely to return to work.
If you have chronic back problems, see your doctor to rule out more serious causes.
Consult with the specialists, to try alternative therapy: training with weights or aerobics, massage, pilates, psychotherapy, chiropractic, tai-chi, etc, These activities will not bring immediate relief, but they can help to deal with the pain of the symptoms.